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Display modules for installation in industrial technology and medical technology Display modules for installation in industrial technology and medical technology
Are you looking for high-quality touch panels, TFT color displays, or similar? Then visit the DISPLAY VISIONS webshop. With over 40 years of experience, the company has established itself as a market leader in many areas of LCD technology across Europe with a strong focus on the medical technology, automation technology and industrial technology, as well as automotive markets. Regardless of whether it is about creating screens, moving screen objects as desired, showing controls, or controlling external devices, DISPLAY VISIONS is here for you. Even if you have an individual product and need a very special solution. Development and production are both “Made in Germany” with a guarantee of long-term availability of 10-15 years. Take a look for yourself and visit the webshop today.
Hinzugefügt am 09.10.2023 - 11:29:01 von fsnd - 1 Benutzer
display modul installation industrial-technology medical-technology touch-panel tft-color-display webshop lcd-technology automation technology europe industrial-technology automotive market screen control device development production
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